Hot and Cold

It’s been a week of extremes here. Last week we had a heat wave that was in the upper 90’s three or four days in a row. Last Thursday the forecast high was 100. Then in the late afternoon, it got really windy like a giant Totoro just flew past. The sky got dark and branches were flying around and it cooled down 30 degrees in a matter of minutes. Overhead dark clouds were roiling and churning, and few minutes later it was pouring sheets of rain. The rain turned to hail with hailstones the size of grapes coming down until it looked like someone had spilled their drink all over the outside. Very dramatic.

We were supposed to go camping over the weekend with Martin up in the Catskills. They went up the night before, but our kids had the school spring band concert and talent show Friday night. Lizzy did a flute solo and Michelle sang and played the ukulele. Saturday morning as we were getting ready to go, Martin called to say it was raining up there and supposed to rain all day. Everything had turned to mud. So he came down to visit us and we had a rather chilly but fun BBQ. We spread out his tent to try and dry it out, but the sun never really came out.

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