Another Site Upgrade

I’ve completed step two of my ongoing site upgrade. In this round I defined styles css files and added div tags to the pages with names classes according to the function of a block on the page. The main change you will see on pages in the site is that the body is a fixed width. The styles largely duplicate the style info in the pages. Going forward I can now change the style sheet definition and have the appearance of all the pages in a section change without having to go in and update each page. I’ve also refactored a few more blocks into php modules, notably the section menu for the origami pages. So things are getting more modular and dynamic, even if only one step at a time.

Other than that, things are pretty quiet these days. Continuing work on a bunch of projects, but nothing finished yet. It’s back to school time, so everyone at home is really focused and there’s a lot less free time. The weather has been really pleasant and mild this September. The kids have been getting into watching Star Wars the last week or two. Jeannie insisted we watch them in the order they were made, which was a good call. I still like the original trilogy from the 70’s but when we watched Phantom Menace it was just as bad I remembered. Afterward I had the song American Pie running thru my head and it took me a while to remember it was the basis of the Weird Al song The Saga Begins. I played that for the kids and now they are all getting into Weird Al too.

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