Music People People Music

Last weekend we went upstate to visit my parents and brother. The lovely weather continues in the northeast, with temperatures in the 90’s for the ride home yesterday, and some good fall foliage viewing along the way.

While we were there we had a chance to catch Martin’s band, the Jennerators. Martin plays sax and guitar and sings. They’re very good, playing Motown and party rock with excellent harmonies and solid musicianship. It’s material everyone knows, so for a group like this it’s all in the delivery, how much they make you wanna get up and dance. The lead singer Jenn has a great voice for material like Janis Joplin and Aretha Franklin, and the band is tight and solid in the groove, and they really carry it off and have fun at it. You can check out their web site and upcoming gigs here. Apparently Martin has also begun sitting in with The Rebel’s Posse, the Jennerator’s lead guitarist’s other band.

Meanwhile, my friend John Neumann is getting ever closer to releasing his new album Quiet Revolution. He’s named his “group” Tea With Warriors, and set up a web site for the project. You can check it out here.

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