
We’re now a month into winter, and we’re back to cold and snowy. So far we made two trips up to Buffalo and Rochester, the first to visit family for the holidays, and then again just this weekend for my nephew’s baptism, for which Jeannie and I were the godparents. We’ve been making the trip from NYC to Buffalo for years. We estimate we’re up to a hundred times. Snow and freezing rain on each leg of the journey this time, which is not my favorite thing. Still it was a good time.

Now we’re back home and it’s another blizzard. We got about a foot of snow already and expecting more tonite. Everyone got sent home early from work and school. I shoveled once when I got home and it was light, fluffy powder, great for skiing. Too bad it’s only on the coast.

At work our department just moved to a new floor. My new office is pretty nice and in one of the better spots. I’m just down the hall from our CTO so I guess he’ll learn who I am. Last year I got an ergonomic chair and had my desk raised because I’m unusually tall and it’s bad for my back to sit a standard size desk designed for normal, puny humans. I alerted the move people about this because they normally don’t move chairs or customize desks, but they assured me it’d be no problem. But then Friday when the movers came they refused to move my chair and I had to persuade them. This morning when I came to my new office I found they raised my neighbor’s desk instead of mine. It took a while to get it all straightened out. Once I did I discovered my computer must’ve gotten bumped in the move because all it wants to do is run a low-level scan of the hard drive. I had to leave early because of the weather, so we’ll see what the outcome is next time back in the office.

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