News and the Weather

Still lots of stuff going on. The weather last weekend was warm and beautiful. It got up to near 60 on Sunday, and I even took my Mustang out for a drive. I also played some sax, learning the music for the kids’ school musical. I got the sheet music, which makes it much easier.

I’ve pretty much moved in to my new computer. I gave my old computer to Lizzy; she’s happy and excited about it. I began work in earnest on Lou’s record, laying down click tracks and basic piano parts for three of the songs. I’ve been developing the arrangements, adding intros and instrumental sections, changing the chords here and there, figuring out direction fro the groove and plan for the instrumentation. I also came up with a new song he can use if he wants to, called “Why Not Zed?”, sort of riff on the classic alphabet motif.

Then Monday the weather turned cold, and I mean bitter cold. The high today was just eighteen, and the low was eight or so. Between that and the darkness, it really makes you want to not go outside. Although the days are starting to get longer again. It’s still dead black when we get up in the mornings, but yesterday it was not quite fully dark when I left work. It’s supposed to stay cold like that the whole week. I understand they’ve been getting snow upstate. Sunday it may get up to 30 again.

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