The Bloody Murderer

While we were camping a couple weeks ago, the kids made a movie in one morning. It was fun watching them work it out. The dialog, the shots, the special effects (prop knives and fake blood). They all collaborated on story and characters, but the mastermind behind the project was Nick’s son Antonio, who was chief instigator, director, cameraman and editor. He’s had some experience making movies already, and has the Monster Boy series up on youTube, starring his brother Marco. The name of this one is “The Bloody Murderer”.

So a week later, he sent us links to the final result. And I must say, the kid (11 years old) has talent! The movie is really awesome. Seriously, it’s better than some of the first-year film school films I watched at NYU (and my roommate was a film student, so I saw quite a few). Antonio, keep making films!

Nick said “I was pretty amazed myself. I mean, I had NOTHING to do with this. They all pulled their talents together and executed their vision. Congrats to the whole cast and crew!”

To which Jeannie said “Nick provided the camcorder and computer. That makes him executive producer!” (Jeannie knows all about being executive producer, since she once won 10 hours of session time at a recording studio and donated it to my band, earning her a place in liner note history.)

I must say too, it’s amazing how far the technology has come. Just like in music, where you can now have a recording studio in your house, so you can also have a movie editing studio. I remember years ago watching either The Godfather or Apocalypse Now and in the bonus features was in interview with Francis Copella. He was talking about his vision for the future of film, how the technology is getting better, and someday a kid with a vision will be able to make a film and tell a story just like nowadays (this was the 1970’s) kids can pick up a guitar and start a rock band. I’d say that day has arrived.

Here are the links to the film in two parts, plus bloopers:

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