Zing Origami - 2017

Flying Fish  2017
Dreaming of escaping the snow and cold for the tropics. These fish really do fly, it's amazing to see.

Monoplane  2017
A small, single-wnd aircraft. Even after Air and Space book is finished I can't stop creating air and space themed models.

Jumbo Jet  2017
The last model created for the Air and Space book, the Jumbo Jet is similar in appearance to the Jet Airliner, but has more efficient use of paper, resulting in fewer steps and a larger finished model.

Martian  2017
According legend these wise aliens originate from a planet much further away, but since humans first encountered them on Mars, the name stuck. This model was designed to be a companion for the Astronaut and to complete the Air and Space book. The eyes use a fold similar to the Astronaut's visor.

Flying Wing  2017
The Flying Wing, like the Rocket Plane was inspired by some of the experimental aircraft I saw out in Ohio on a trip to the National Air Force Museum after the Centerfold convention. I wasn't satisfied with the original version; the new on is completely redesigned.