Zing Origami - 2011

An elaboration on the Cairo Tessellation, this pattern features a grid of alternating pentagons and hexagons.

Foxy Fox  2011
This is one of my more impressionistic folds, it makes use of a color change effect for a puffed-out tail and ears.

I created this mandala-like pattern at 2011 convention. It's a spiral matrix of parallelograms that features fivefold symmetry. At first I thought it was a Penrose tessellation, but the joining rules do not conform to the Penrose tiling.

A precursor to the Pseudo-Penrose Star (a.k.a. Penflower Mandala). It features a fourfold symmetry that is easer to fold and has fewer cells (24 vs. 40). In fourfold geometry this is an allowable quasicrystal tiling.

Inchworm  2011
I was inspired to create this model after encountering a friendly inchworm in the woods on a camping trip. It's a color-change model. A regular sheet of 6" kami works well, and you can color the reverse side with a marker.

Dual Cube  2011

The shape is two intersecting cubes. I first saw it in an M. C. Escher print many years ago. The model is folded from a single sheet of paper, a rectangle with a 2:1 ratio. Still, this is only a preliminary study. My goal is to fold it from a square and with a color change so that the two cubes are in contrasting colors. This will require six color change regions. Fortunately I have a method for this, similar to the way I affect the color change in my Stellated Octahedron.