Fotoz 2007 Summer II

Well, it’s January. At least the days are getting longer and it’s twilight instead of actual nighttime when we get up in the morning again. But the holidays are over and the deep part of winter is upon us. Apart from the skiing there’s not much I enjoy about being outside this time of year. So it’s all about beating the cold.

And what better way than to flash back to the warm part of the year? I’ve been making galleries of pictures I’ve taken, but I remain about 6 months behind real time. So here are some pics from a camping trip from last July:

These galleries are for friends and family and are password protected. If you are friends and/or family and need a password, please send me an email.

Meanwhile, here’s a sampling of the pix:

Fotoz 2007 Summer I

It’s that time again. I just put up two new photo galleries from this summer, June and July. I probably have about 3 more galleries to post to get thru to the end of the summer.

These galleries are meant for friends and family, and are password protected. If you think you are friends and/or family, and need a password, please send me an email.

Also, I created an index page for the public galleries, since I now have more than one. You can expect that to grow in the time ahead, albeit in a more random fashion.

Meanwhile, here’s a sampling of the pix.


Well, It’s been almost a year since I updated my online photo album. So here are two now galleries, to bring us halfway up to date, to the end of 2006. Next up, 2007 up the present.

These galleries are meant for friends and family, and are password protected. If you think you are friends and/or family, and need a password, please send me an email. Meanwhile, here’s a sampling.

Fun with PhotoBooth

Happy spring everyone! The weather had finally changed, and winter is gone. Allergy season is right around the corner! Although it feels like winter dragged on far too long this year, even with global warming, it also feels like time has flown by, that it was just the holidays and I just started my new job. But I’ve been there coming on three months now.

The big activity last weekend was getting the yard ready for spring, part one. Or another way of saying it, the start of yardwork season. I had wanted to start the weekend before, but it seemed pointless as there was still piles of melting snow on our lawn. And the weekend before that we spent the whole time shoveling. In any event we made good start. Raked off all the debris, and I filled in some low spots in the back corner which are prone to flooding with dirt. Not particularly creative, but it’s constructive at least. I have a project in the offing to re-level the patio I made 3 years ago, as the stones have begun to heave and settle in one corner. I think when I get around to that I’ll blog about building the patio, since it was a creative project and a major effort.

Meanwhile the main topic for today is fun with PhotoBooth. A few weeks ago Jeannie brought home one of those MacBook Pro computers from work, the ones with a built-in camera and a cute little app called photo booth. You gotta hand it to Apple, they’re good at making computers fun, and this app is a good example of that. Not a lot of depth to it, but easy to use and engaging. Let’s you take pictures of yourself (or whatever else is in front of the computer), with some cool realtime effects. It’s the kind of thing we might have made at Interval Research back in the 90’s.

The girls really got into it, and Lizzy in particular, who likes photography to begin with, explored the creative dimension. She took over 400 pictures. Presented here is a gallery of some of our favorites.